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10 Anti-Valentine Memes For People Who Aren’t Looking Forward To The Day Of Love

Anti-Valentine Memes rule the internet if your find yourself dateless on Valentine's Day.

9. For Some, Chicken Nuggets Are Better Than Chocolate

A beautiful bouquet of chicken nuggets on skewers for your anti-Valentine celebration.
Image from Instagram.

This is your day if you’re in a committed relationship with chicken nuggets. Express all that love with all the dipping sauces!

10. Keep Your Priorities In Order

Don't celebrate the 14th. Celebrate the candy sales on the 15th.
Image from X (Twitter).

Always keep your priorities in order no matter your date status on the 14th. Candy will be on sale on the 15th for 50 to 70 percent off the regular retail price! Stores try to empty the shelves and clear as much inventory as possible to make room for the Easter Bunny.

We hope you have enjoyed exploring our collection of anti-Valentine memes about being single on the year’s biggest “couples” holiday. There is no shame in not having a date. Look at all the money you’re saving! Especially if you hold off and buy your candy on the 15th! Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or Anti-Valentine, have a great day! If you enjoyed this, please share.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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