10-Yr-Old Boy Writes Precious Letter To Injured Girlfriend. His Heartfelt Encouragement Will Make Your Day!

Cole Lanclos is a man in love. Well, at least a fifth grader in love. Cole, a 10-year-old from Mongtomery, Texas has been dating his girlfriend, and fellow fifth grader, Sherri Rodriguez for a year. He asked her to be his girlfriend at the school’s homecoming and the two have been spending time together ever since.

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Cole and Sherri bonded over a mutual love of sports and both are athletes– Cole plays baseball and Sherri plays soccer. They enjoy cheering each other on at one another’s games. Their families even go out to dinner sometimes! But Cole was given a special chance to prove his love when Sherri tore her ACL playing soccer last weekend… And he certainly stepped up to the task!


Cole told his mom he wanted to do something to cheer up Sherri while she’s recovering from her injury. He knew Sherri would still be at soccer practice– just watching from the bench– so he and Mom crashed practice, bringing cookie cake and teddy bear.


Along with the cake and bear, was a very special note written by Cole. Read his words below:


Dear Sherri,

I’m so sorry that you broke your knee. I will miss watching you play soccer and I’m sorry that you won’t be able to play softball for a while. But I know you will heal quickly, and I will get to watch you play again soon. Although you can’t play sports, you still make my day when I get to see your beautiful smile.

God has a plan for all of us and sometimes it’s hard for us to understand why things happen to us. My dad tells me that God only allows things to happen that He knows we can handle. You are a pretty, nice, funny, and strong girl that is also a good friend. You will get through this quickly.

Please let me know how I can help during your recovery. I hope you recover fast and get well soon.

Your friend,

How adorable is that??? Cole’s cousin tweeted a photo of the letter and it quickly went viral.

I love that in his letter Cole says he admires his girlfriend for her strength. What a wonderful picture of love and friendship from someone so young!

Share if Cole’s words touched your heart!

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