20 Perfectly-Timed Photos That Make Dogs Look Like Giants.

Is there anything better than a cute dog? Yes. A cute giant dog.

Forced perspective is a technique which uses optical illusions to make objects appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than they actually are. This wonderful practice can be used on all sorts of subject.

Personally, I love when they’re focused on the cuter types of themes: Flowers, anything fluffy and babies… those are just a few. But my all-time favorite models has got to be dogs.

Specifically, when you make dogs look like giant animals that could rule the world. Because who wouldn’t want to see a monstrous Labrador puppy roaming the sidewalk in the morning?

The photographers who produced the 20 fantastic photos below (some purposefully, most accidentally)  have provided a huge gift to the world. So enjoy their hilarity, cuteness and perfection!


1. Runnnnn.

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