5 Tear-Jerking Adoption Stories That Remind Us Of The Power In Unconventional Families

A two-photo collage. The first shows a young man excitedly covering his face with his hands as he sits at a kitchen counter. A younger person stands nearby, mouth open from excitement. The second photo shows Jennifer and Kimberly Hubby smiling and posing with their 5-year-old, Cameron, with two others after he was officially adopted by Jennifer.

When life throws challenges our way, it’s always nice to have family to turn to for comfort. For some, who they define as “family” can be a bit tricky. Thankfully, the adoption process can give folks a new start in life. This chance to connect with a new family is one we’ve seen people from all around the world experience, and it’s one of our favorite stories to share.

That’s why we’ve collected just a few of of our favorite adoption stories that we’ve written over the years. In them, you’ll be reminded as to why the word “family” can be applied to anyone, not just those we’re related to by blood.

1. Growing up on the streets or in an orphanage for much of his life, Abraham never had a birthday cake… until he was adopted.

A young man excitedly covers his face with his hands as he sits at a kitchen counter. A younger person stands nearby, mouth open from excitement.

2. Six siblings in Florida almost remained separated in the foster care system until Dustin and Daniel fought to keep them together.

Two men smile along with a judge and their newly adopted children. There are six of them and they are all biologically siblings. The kids hold up their adoption papers and teddy bears.

3. When it came time for Jennifer Hubby to officially adopt her wife’s 5-year-old son, what the little boy had to share with the judge had everyone in tears.

Jennifer and Kimberly Hubby smile and pose with their 5-year-old, Cameron, with two others after he was officially adopted by Jennifer.

4. When 6-year-old Harvey’s foster parents announced they had adopted him, he had the most wholesome reaction!

A little boy has his mouth wide open from shock and excitement as he sits outside. Text on the screen reads "Harvey is officially adopted!"

5. When given the opportunity, this single mom chose to adopt four siblings so they could stay together.

Four young siblings smile as they sit on the floor and on each others' laps.

The adoption process can be tricky and exhausting but, when done properly, it has the power to quite literally save lives. It also serves as a reminder that when the right people come into our lives to prove that we are loved and wanted, powerful things can happen.

You can find the sources of this story’s featured image here and here!

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