“AGT:” Aerialist Performs Ethereal Sky-High Dance To “What Was I Made For”

AGT Aerialist

If someone ever told you you could only have one passion in life, they were wrong. Let AGT aerialist Kelsey Jane be proof of that. This contestant shocked fans and the judges with her incredible dance in the sky. Not only did she win everyone over with her charming personality, but also with her ethereal sky-high dance. Watch as she completely captivates the crowd with her stunning performance.

Who Is Kelsey Jane?

Based on her stellar performance, it is easy for people to assume that Kelsey Jane is a full-time aerialist. However, that is not the case. When asked about her day job, Kelsey coyly replied, ” So, my day job. I am actually nervous to tell you because I know nobody likes to go see them. But, I am a dentist.” After the looks of shock from both the judges and the crowd, the 33-year-old went on to explain how she ended up in dentistry. 

When Kelsey was a child, she was shy and self-conscious about her teeth. She was able to see an orthodontist and get some dental work done, which hugely increased her confidence. From that moment on, she knew she wanted to give people the same feeling her orthodontist gave her.

Although dentistry was a passion, it was not her only calling. Kelsey admitted that around the time she had earned enough money for dental school, she was introduced to the world of aerial. She went on to say, “I knew I wanted to do both, honestly,” and we are so happy she did!

“AGT” Aerialist Impresses the Judges and America


If the loud cheers after her performance were not enough, the judges didn’t even wait for her to have the microphone before they started singing praises for Kelsey Jane. Simon Cowell kicked off the compliments by asking, “How amazing was that?” Sofía Vergara added, “Kelsey, that was spectacular!” Sofía continued telling Kelsey how her performance was “beautiful and refreshing.” The judge even went on to tease that she wished Kelsey was her dentist! Don’t we all, Sofía! 

The good times didn’t stop there. In his typical fashion, Howie Mandel went on to rack some jokes and sing Kelsey’s praises. Heidi Klum also complimented the aerialist on her ability to express emotions during her performance. She added, “I could have watched you for way longer than just two minutes.” I think most of America would agree. 

Simon drew laughter from the crowd when he told her, “Just the thought that yesterday you were torturing people, and then today, you do that.”

No surprise to anyone, Kelsey walked off that stage with four yeses and America’s hearts. 

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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