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Baby’s Epic Battle With Strawberry Proves That If At 1st You Don’t Succeed…

a baby trying and failing to put a strawberry into her mouth

Learning something new can be tough. It’s easy to get frustrated. But what if we simply moved forward with the certainty that we would get it done? What if we adopted perseverance as our default?

That’s what babies do. We can learn a lot from that.

In this delightful video shared in a tweet by Dan Wuori, a little one offers a silent lesson in determination. “My favorite part of this video is that – even after multiple attempts – she never once lets frustration get the better of her,” Dan tweeted.

She’s learning to use a fork and a spoon, and the results aren’t going well at first. She puts a delicious bite of strawberry on her spoon, lifts it to her mouth, and…

Baby shows perseverance in using a spoon

The food drops from the spoon. So she tries it again. She’s utterly confident that this time, it will work.

Then the strawberry drops. Again.

But she keeps trying. There’s no hint of frustration or anger. She’s entirely relaxed and focused on her mission. This little patience guru is filled with certainty. She doesn’t hesitate to try again and again.

And suddenly, victory!

Dan was just impressed with her perseverance as the rest of us: “Often babies learn from us. But sometimes we can learn from them. Never give up.”

So the next time you are frustrated with learning or think something might be too hard, think about this precious little one. She’s embracing learning for the journey it is and not letting her failures get her down. Because every failure brings her closer to that delicious bite!

Watch this inspiring moment below:

You can find the source of this article’s featured image here.

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