“Beer, Pizza, And Bacon!” Little Boy Throws Impromptu Uncle Party And The Results Are Too Precious.

Image shows a nephew and his uncles at their uncle party.

When your kid decides he needs a “guys’ night,” you can’t say no. It’s in the mom code. So you do what any responsible mommy would do. You verify that the guests have been invited and ensure the vittles are in order. For an uncle party, that means pizza, beer, and bacon! And dog treats.

Image shows a young boy talking with his mom (not pictured) about having an impromptu "guys night.".
Image from TikTok.

The first guest to arrive is Uncle Stan. Uncle Stan is a bit of an odd-man-out sort of fellow, mainly because he is extremely short and walks on four legs. If you’re wrinkling your brows now and imaginary question marks are floating above your head, it’s okay. Uncle Stan is a schnauzer.

Image shows a tiny schnauzer named Uncle Stan, arriving at the door for a visit.
Image from TikTok.

Uncle Stan is Lexie Echols “little brother.” He lives with her parents. When his human siblings moved out and had kids of their own, he became Uncle Stan. He is internet famous, by the way. Lexie lives about a half mile from her parents. Uncle Stan is a frequent visitor, walking up the hill on his own to cure his loneliness. To learn more about the exploits of Uncle Stan, be sure to follow them on TikTok.

Back to the uncle party: All the uncles were invited, and they all showed up! They visited, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company. Lexie’s son gave everyone huge hugs.

Lexie Echols son made the rounds at their uncle party hugging everyone.
Image from TikTok.

There were more kids, babies, and dogs attending. Everyone ate pizza. The adults had beer. We’re sure the bacon was somewhere, too. And, of course, the dog treats were flowing too!

Lexie Echols son made the rounds at their uncle party hugging everyone.
Image from TikTok.

What an excellent way to allow your child to express themselves! It’s always good to enjoy impromptu family time. With Uncle Stan leading the festivities, a great time was had by all!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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