Beloved Sandlot Actor Has Us All In Stitches With This Silly Dance Number

Images show a trio of dads led by Patrick Renna performing silly dance routines.

The 1990s brought us a lot of “coming-of-age” movies. We saw classics including My Girl (1991), The Lion King (animated – 1994), and American Pie (1999). The Goonies cast from the 1985 film was working their way into adulthood when the Sandlot team took to the field. Hamilton “Ham” Porter, played by Patrick Renna, was always a fan favorite as the mouthy catcher. To say that Patrick Renna is doing a different dance now would be accurate.

We’re super hyped about one of his latest endeavors. Patrick Renna has formed a “Dad’s Dance Trio” and is choreographing routines for the group on TikTok and Instagram. The trio are dads and rocking various stages of the quintessential “dad bod.” The routines are short and simple, but you will smile!

The video above opens with Renna’s two dance partners marching down the hall with arms over each other’s shoulders. As the men reach a wider spot in the hall, they separate. Patrick Renna slides into the scene, showing off some Top Gun dance moves. The trio closes ranks, and they nod their heads in one synchronized motion, dropping sunglasses down to cover their eyes. A few more coordinated moves follow, and then a final spin. Like a total dad, Renna’s last move is to push his glasses up on his nose.

Left image shows two middle-aged men dancing up a hallway holding each other's shoulders. Right image shows Patrick Renna sliding into the dance trio.
Image from Instagram.

Renna stays busy. He married Jasmin Renna, and they have two sons, Flynn and Liam. His son Liam is contemplating soccer, while Flynn is all about baseball. Renna plans on growing old and coaching his son on a baseball diamond.

It is clear that Renna’s Ham Porter fans still love his talents. Patrick Renna has 3.3 million followers on TikTok and almost 750K on the newer Instagram account.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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