Blind Cat Saunters Into Home, Falls In Love With Deaf Cat, And Rules The Roost.

Hugo the blind cat and his best kitty buddy

As a pet foster mom, Becky knows better than to get attached to every four-legged friend who walks through her door. She’s committed to finding forever homes for homeless pets, so she’s careful not to get too attached. Besides, she already has two cats, which is her personal limit since she lives in a small apartment in Manhattan.

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Spoiler alert: of those well-thought-out reasons went out the window the moment she met a blind black-and-white spotted kitty named Hugo Spaghetti! Hugo was up for adoption in New York City, and he caught Becky’s attention thanks to a celebrity endorsement from Beth Stern, wife to famous radio icon Howard Stern.

Beth shared his adoption photo online to help Hugo find a home. When Becky saw the post, she immediately thought of Sushi, the blind cat who currently shares her home. She was also fostering a deaf cat named Blondie, who is half-feral and hates pretty much all humans at first sight. Becky already had her hands full… yet there was something about Hugo that she found too intriguing to ignore. For one thing, he has the same name as her grandfather, and the similarities didn’t end there.

“He even reminds me of my grandfather visually,” she recalled. “So I was like, ‘Is this some weird sign from my grandfather?'”

Unwilling to ignore a potential sign from a loved one, Becky invited Hugo into her home. Little did she know that he’d soon become king of the household!

From the second he walked out of the cat carrier, Hugo was in charge. He paced around the entire house to get the lay of the land, and now he knows where everything is so well that he seldom bumps into things or loses his way. He is the epitome of “cattitude,” so he never comes when he’s called, sits on laps when he’s wanted, or resists the urge to stick his paws or face into a glass of drinking water.

Becky and her family have started calling him “the king” because he rules the roost!

“He’s been old since he was little,” she says fondly. He doesn’t like to play and never has, and he enjoys sleeping under the covers like a human. He especially likes sitting on the desk while Becky works, supervising her every move “as if he’s the boss.”

“He’s a very weird guy,” she laughs.

Hugo brought a lot of changes to Becky’s house, but the biggest change was the way her grumpy cat took to him. From the minute they met, they were best friends. Hugo and Blondie, who is deaf, can often be found curled up asleep together, usually in Becky’s son’s room. Blondie may hate all humans, but she adores Hugo!

Becky didn’t intend to adopt a third cat, but now she can’t imagine life without Hugo! It sounds like he was meant to join her sweet menagerie, doesn’t it? There’s truly a forever home for everyone.

You can find the sources of this article’s featured image here and here.

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