Magical: The Boardwalk That Lets You Take A Stroll With Reindeer

Image shows hikers and reindeer during a Hill Walk in Scotland.

Reindeer have populated Cairngorms National Park since 1952. Mikel Utsi and his wife, Dr. Ethel Lindgren, were on their honeymoon when they realized the park was the perfect location for reindeer in the UK. The original herd comes from Sweden. After Mr. Utsi’s death, Ethel hired Alan Smith, and the Reindeer Company thrived under his leadership. Hill trips began in the 1960s and continue to this day, allowing visitors to walk within the reindeer herd.


Sharing my tips so you’re not one of the two people who fell in 💩 during my Cairngorms Reindeer Hilltop Tour! 🦌 #reindeer #cairngorms #scotland

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If you’ve ever been to Santa’s Workshop at your local mall, you might have been amazed by their calm and gentle nature. The Reindeer Company allows you to experience that while meeting the reindeer in a natural habitat. We should warn you that taking a trip to walk with the herd requires moderate physical exertion. Guests should expect rough, hilly terrain.

The Hill Trip tour begins with a 20 to 30-minute walk, where participants follow a guide to the herd’s location. Unlike Santa’s reindeer, these animals do not like much human interaction. It is wild, so physical contact will be limited. Hill walkers will be among the herd and will have photo opportunities and a brief hand-feeding session. Tour groups will walk with the reindeer herd as these majestic animals graze.

Image shows reindeer spotted by hikers on the Hill Walk at Cairngorms National Park in Scotland.
Image from TikTok.

Guests can expect to be out in the weather for up to two hours and should dress accordingly. This includes all outerwear, including suitable hiking boots. Tour guides will inspect your attire. The Reindeer Company may refuse to take you if you don’t have appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Guidelines on what to wear are on the website. They do not offer refunds if you aren’t in the proper gear.

Add this destination to your next UK adventure.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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