Brad Paisley’s Wife Gives Update After Completely Losing Her Voice Nearly Two Years Ago

Selfie of Kimberly Williams-Paisley in a hospital bed. She has a small smile on her face

Singer Brad Paisley and his wife, actor Kimberly Williams-Paisley, are the definition of a power couple. Both of them are successful in their own fields, but together, they also love to give back to their communities. That’s why it was all-the-more devastating when nearly two years ago, Kimberly experienced a setback in her health. She gives fans details on her harrowing journey in an inspiring social media post.

In the post, Kimberly explains that she lost her voice nearly two years ago. It happened on stage during her Alzheimer’s event in Nashville. She notes that this moment was “embarrassing and scary,” and that her voice “never quite came back.” Over the last two years, Kimberly has sought out answers for why this happened and what could be done.

“It’s been a challenging couple of years, but we finally got to the bottom of it,” Kimberly writes in her post. “I have damage to my laryngeal nerve.”

While she tried several methods to heal this issue, ultimately, the best choice was surgery. As scary as this must have been, Kimberly says she was in good hands at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Now, her voice is already sounding so much better!

Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Brad Paisley’s Wife, Shares Reassuring Health Update

Kimberly admits she didn’t share details on her health until now because it felt “too vulnerable.” But now, she’s ready to share the many ways this process has helped her heal, both physically and mentally.

“I took for granted my ability to ‘use my voice’ before — for my career, for a good cause, for a timely joke, for SELF-EXPRESSION, for a loud dinner party,” she writes. “… In the last two years, I’ve found power in using my voice in new ways. I’ve healed old emotional wounds. I’ve learned the strength & beauty of silence … Was losing my voice worth it? Mm, not exactly. Was it worthless? Not for a second.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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