Cat Hides In Plain Sight In Silliest Game Of Hide-And-Seek

Image shows cats Frankie and Richard with their dog-brother in between rounds of hide and seek.

Cats are usually very adept at the game of hide-and-seek. Sometimes, they will taunt owners by hiding in plain sight but be “invisible” for hours. If you’re a cat owner, this is your hint to check the bathroom sink. Richard hasn’t quite grasped the whole “hiding” part of the game.

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TikTok user Hosstyles immediately sees where Richard is hiding. When his second cat, Frankie, comes in, he sits on the porcelain throne like he is king of the world. When Hosstyles asks him where Richard is hiding, Frankie either has no clue or is good at playing dumb. Richard is not good at cat hide-and-seek, but no one can find him.

Frankie clammed right up once the kitty treats were mentioned as if he wanted all the treats for himself. Then he started purring and reached up with that little paw. At that point, you can imagine him intentionally ignoring Richard in the hopes of not sharing.

Left image shows Frankie the cat sitting on a toilet, blantantly ignoring his brother playing hide and seek. Right image shows Frankie reaching a paw up to his owner.
Image from TikTok.

The plot thickens when the dog comes in. Even with his innate ability to sniff out friend or foe, he seems to miss Richard completely. He seems to look right at Richard’s highly visible feet and tail, then turns quickly away. He prances around the little room, “looking” but not finding the elusive feline. This is really beginning to smell like an animal conspiracy.

The shower curtain seems to move slightly when the camera pans over to show Richard’s very conspicuous hiding spot. Richard might be behind the curtain laughing. Frankie looks directly at Richard’s hiding spot, pauses, then turns back as if to say, “I see NOTHING!”

Richard frequently disappears. Sometimes, when they play cat hide-and-seek outside, it’s an all-hands search effort to find him.

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You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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