Clinic Cat Hilariously Perturbed When Vet Brings Her “Horse” To Work

Left image shows a "horse" of a great Dane walking through a vet clinic. Right image is a close up of the clinic cat hiding from the "horse" in a sink.

One of the perks of working in a veterinarian clinic is that you can sometimes bring your pet to work. However, if the clinic has a resident cat, perhaps she should have final HR approval on selected guests. Puddle thinks that would be a good rule. She is the clinic cat at North Oakville Animal Hospital (NOAH) and is unhappy about the day’s guest.

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Puddle found a safe hiding place while the giant animal wandered around the clinic. Although it probably seemed as big as a horse to her, it was only a large great Dane. The disruption was traumatic because Puddle is usually the “Belle of the Ball.”

Instead of having freedom to roam her palace and assert her authority, Puddle had to hide in a sink to stay safe from the beast. Puddle was a barn cat that was rescued at a young age. She has settled into her cushy role as a clinic cat and wants no part of that barn life anymore. She is much better suited to helping in the office.

Left image shows Puddle, the clinic cat, doing some computer work. Right image shows her helping out the accounting department by processing payments.
Image from TikTok.

Great Danes typically get along with most smaller animals. Some owners even get their big pooches kittens. The big animals are very nurturing and will play gently with smaller critters. It is common to see a great Dane lying down during play to stay on the same level with their smaller friends. Perhaps Puddle should see if she can become friends with the “horse” that has invaded her clinic space.

The dog belongs to one of the vets at NOAH, so hopefully, future visits will be less traumatic for Puddle. You can follow Puddle on TikTok, where they share her daily adventures.

Please share Puddle’s misfortune.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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