Clumsy English Bulldog Puppy Can’t Stand Back Up & It’s Hilarious To Watch.

bulldog puppy

English bulldogs are cute and cuddly and all, but you’ll never hear someone remark on their agility and grace.

That’s especially true when they’re puppies, and nowhere is this more evident than in a video posted back in 2014. It starts with Dad, a lumbering English bulldog, tussling with his tiny puppy on a back patio.


Dad gently pushes his baby girl up against the wall, but she just uses it as leverage to roll back on all fours, then waddles her way behind the big guy for Round 2 in the cutest doggy battle ever.

But if she thinks she’s any match for Dad, she’s dead wrong.

After a couple seconds of circling each other, he uses his muzzle to nudge her over again. Then he just walks away as if to say, “You’re on your own, kid.”He probably decided he was ready for a nap and discovered this was the only way to ensure he’d get some uninterrupted sleep.


Or, as America’s Funniest Home Videos suggested, maybe his goal was a life lesson: “Did daddy accidentally knock her over, or is he just teaching her a thing or two about the real world!â€


Whatever the reason, the next 30 seconds is filled with the painfully adorable pup squirming around in an attempt to get back on her feet. She flails mightily, looking like an overturned turtle or roly poly, until she finally falters and has to take a breather.


As she does, Dad ambles by, and she looks at him like, “Dad? Hey, Dad! A little help here?â€

bulldog puppy cant get upYouTube

But don’t worry, after about 20 seconds more of thrashing and floundering about, she finally manages to struggle back to her feet. Of course, Dad swings back around and either nudges her back over or congratulates her hard work – your best guess is ours!

Watch this mighty adorable struggle in the video below and don’t forget to share to spread some laughs.

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