Courteney Cox Had The Most Monica Geller Thing To Say About Her Daughter

Daughter Courteney Cox

When we have kids, it’s not unusual to hope they are at least a little bit like us. Maybe we want them to have the same hair color or penchant for sports or the arts. Sometimes, we hope they mimic some of our greatest qualities, like good study habits and staying organized. There is something to be said for individuality and paving your way, even if it’s not the way we would do things.

Much like her iconic character on Friends, Courteney Cox likes things to be nice, clean, and tidy. Unfortunately for Courteney, her 20-year-old daughter, Coco Arquette, didn’t get the cleaning bug from her mom.

CoCo Is Good At A Lot Of Other Things

Courteney Cox told People that occasionally, her daughter will tell her she’s cleaned things up and organized her life really well and feels “so good.” But, it’s not something she cares to do all the time like her mom.

“She’s getting older, and she does live on her own, and she does take pride in that, which I think is good,” Courteney said. “But no, I don’t think she has my gene in the same way, and I don’t have hers. Listen, she’s a great singer. She’s a great writer. She has so many qualities that I don’t have, so that’s okay.”

Courteney’s obsession with cleanliness is nothing new, and she says it brings her joy. She told People her passion for a clean house helped her to create a partnership with Shark and their new line of vacuums.

“Everyone that knows me, any friend I have, knows that I just love things that are organized, neat, and clean, and I can’t help it. I was born this way and it’s so important to me,” she admitted. “One of the things that make me happy is to have a really clean surrounding.”

This story’s featured image is by lev radin via Shutterstock.

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