Cow Chasing Her Newborn Calf Around Is The Definition Of A Helicopter Mom

Images show a calf in a Carhartt suit to keep the little cow warm.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a helicopter parent as “a parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child.” Anyone spending any time on a playground has seen them. The mom who doesn’t let her child play without assistance. They monitor every move and worry about everything their child touches. A cow finds it challenging to helicopter-mom her calf in the animal world.

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This is Mama Fern’s first calf. She will be a super cow if she keeps up with him as he romps! At just ten hours old, this little one keeps his mama on the tip of her hooves! At just one day old, he runs her ragged outside, too.

This little fellow became an instant TikTok favorite for fans at KR.Quarter.Horses. Kaylee Rickly decided to let the fans help name the calf. Suggestions poured in: Gilbert, Luke, Nacho Libre, Wade Wilson, Butters, and even MOO MOO. The calf owner, Kaylee, has been calling him “Little Moo” already.

TikTok user GAAR•DN suggested Curtis. The owner thinks this fits the calf’s energy, so GAAR•DN added, “i shall step up as godcowfather of crazy curtis.” This tiny calf is keeping his cow mom busy for sure. On Valentine’s Day, the bouncing boy was featured in Newsweek!

Left image shows a cow next to her tiny calf. Right image shows the Newsweek headline about the energetic little fellow.
Image from TikTok.

During her interview with Newsweek, Kaylee marveled at Mama Fern’s parenting. For a first-time cow mom, Fern is very attentive and protective of the rambunctious calf. They’re still searching for the perfect name, so head on over and add your best suggestion to the list. It’s still cold at the ranch, so you’ll see the baby sporting his Carhartts until warmer weather settles in. He’s more than adorable.

Please share to help name this little calf.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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