Culture-Craving Cats Try To Sneak Into Museum Every Morning — Until Security Comes.

a two-photo collage of the security guard petting cats ken-chan and go-chan

Like it or not, we all fall into routines in our day-to-day lives.

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Every morning in Hiroshima, Japan, the security guard at Onomichi City Museum of Art takes his post. And every morning he’s soon joined by two interlopers hoping to slip into the museum uninvited. His first task every day is to thwart their efforts, but not before giving them a few chin scratches first.

That’s right, the interlopers are cats! A big orange cat named Go-chan and a jet-black cat named Ken-chan have been swinging by the museum every day to hang out with this particular security guard since 2016. Back then, the museum had an exhibit of cat photography that somehow enticed stray cats from all over the city. When the exhibit ended, they went away – except for Go-chan and Ken-chan!

Not just any guard will do, the cats like one in particular. When he’s not there, Ken-chan doesn’t try to enter the museum, he just lounges on the sidewalk nearby. Go-chan doesn’t even show up if it’s not his favorite guard.

When the museum closed for two months during the coronavirus pandemic, the cats took over keeping watch. They never missed a day!

The cats do have homes, but they seem to like to get their morning leg-stretch to the museum each day. Who are we to judge their routine?

The museum has been sharing pictures of videos of the cats and their adorable ritual online, and they’ve developed a huge following. Ken-chan now wears a special collar with the museum’s logo on it. The museum even sells Ken-chan and Go-chan merchandise in the gift shop, so it appears that there are no hard feelings about the sneaking in without a ticket thing!

Cats know a good person when they meet one! We’re guessing this security guard has a heart of gold.

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