Daughter Shares Mom’s Adorable Heart-Shaped Rock Collection From Dad

Images show a collection of heart-shaped rocks.

The beauty of love between a man and a woman should be celebrated daily. Although many couples settle into routines, one man uniquely shows his love for his wife. A young lady named Jammi shared a post about her father-in-law and how he shows his love. He collects heart-shaped rocks for his wife, and her collection is quite expansive.

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There are usually two ways to a woman’s heart: dresses with pockets and pretty rocks. We jest, but rocks are a cool thing to collect. Heart-shaped rocks occur naturally and are quite extraordinary when you can find them. Jammi’s father-in-law hunts them down regularly. The collection contains a variety of sizes, styles, and colors. The total volume of their existence in one place makes them that much more beautiful.

Image shows a collection of heart-shaped rocks, with one held up for a better view.
Image from Instagram.

Jammi photographed the rocks to chronicle the collection’s beauty for her mother-in-law. While you might want to say, “They’re just rocks,” you’d be correct. But you’d be missing the meaning behind their specific shape and the overwhelming love behind these little gifts.

In the comments section under the post, several people refer to the father-in-law as a penguin. In nature, male penguins collect pretty rocks. When they like another penguin, they “gift” them a pretty rock from their collection. So, in a way, Jammi’s father-in-law is precisely like a penguin.

Some commenters suggested using the heart-shaped rocks in a more permanent display, mentioning a walkway incorporating beautiful stones or a display case. Whatever they decide to do with the stunning collection, it constantly serves to remind them of love and dedication. Jammi has several heart-shaped decor pieces in her home, so the theme carries on at least two generations. Please share this beautiful love story.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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