Dog Proudly Brings Mom Random Objects While She’s In The Tub

dog bringing her mom a random object while she's in the tub

Lucy is a golden retriever and Labrador mix rescued by Joy Kauffman last year. Like many rescued animals, Lucy is grateful and shows it daily in the most adorable way. Lucy likes to bring Joy “gifts.” Sometimes, they can be handy, but most of the time, they are just hilarious. Lucy’s favorite time for gift-giving is when Joy is in the tub, and the dog brings her a variety of items.

Lucy shares a home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with two dog siblings: Floki, a red heeler and pit mix, and Daisy, a Labrador and pit mix. Lucy fits right in with this family. Joy highlights the best of their dog lives on the account.

Image shows dog siblings Floki, Daisy, and Lucy fighting over a frisbee.
Image from TikTok.

Lucy stands alone in the gift-giving department, though. Gift-giving from the dog isn’t just when Joy is in the tub, but that seems to be Lucy’s favorite time. In the first video above, Lucy brings a blanket and a paper plate. This habit was so cute that fans begged for a part 2. Joy obliged, producing this next video.

There will probably be more. “Retrieving” is a trait for both golden retrievers and Labradors. Lucy comes by her talents naturally. Joy has been gifted with pillows, blankets, random pieces of paper, a plastic container, dog toys, and much more.

Left image shows Lucy the dog giving her mom a blanket in the tub. Right image shows the dog giving her mom a paper plate in the tub.
Images from TikTok.

Like many dog families on TikTok, these three dog siblings participate in some challenges. Floki wasn’t fond of the tape challenge, but the girls excelled. Joy is a great dog mom who tucks in her babies nightly. You can find them here and follow this fun family of mixed breeds. We’re looking forward to seeing more dog gifts in the tub from Lucy.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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