Ducks Push “Dead” Friend Toward Woman, Who Realizes They’re Asking For Help!

duck rescue

When a woman was standing on the banks of a pond, she was visited by three ducks needing a rescue, and she saved the day. Now she has a feathered friend for life.

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The woman, Olga Rivera, shared a video of the miraculous experience she had with the animals. As she was photographing birds, she noticed what appeared to be a dead duck. Her neck was bent sideways, and she was motionless.

Two other ducks were sitting beside the dead duck, and when they noticed Olga, they did the strangest thing—they began to push the dead duck toward Olga as though they wanted her to rescue her. Olga didn’t understand what was happening until she saw the unconscious duck open her eyes and try to pull her neck out of the water.

“She was breathing in water but couldn’t move,” Olga wrote.

Olga lifted the duck’s face out of the pond and held her steady while she “pushed out all the water she’d taken in.”

Once the duck felt more steady, she swam off.

“She left a little wobbly,” Olga continued. “But her heroes were behind her to give support.”

Rescued duck swims to pier to greet woman.

The next day, the experience became even more magical. When Olga went to visit the pond, the duck she rescued remembered her. She swam right up to Olga and greeted her!

“I realize I’m anthropomorphizing these ducks,” she captioned on the same video she posted on Instagram. “but tell me they don’t have complex feelings!”

Remember to share this story with all your animal-loving friends!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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