“Everybody Deserves Love.” Bus Driver Goes Out Of Her Way To Help Blind Passenger.

ciji crawford helping a blind man cross the road.

When Ciji Crawford’s employers told her that a video taken of her while on the job went viral, she was absolutely floored.

As a Miami-Dade County, Florida bus driver, she’s used to finding ways to help make her passengers’ trips easier. One day, that included helping a blind man who seemed to be struggling. He was hesitant to accept her help at first, but Ciji was happy to do whatever she could to help. And so with the approval of the rest of the passengers, this kind bus driver helped him cross the street.

“I would want someone to do the same thing and that’s how I was looking at it,” Ciji said. “That was the right thing to do.”

With this mindset, she could hardly believe that someone nearby recorded her act of kindness, much less that it went viral!

“When my job called me and told me, ‘Hey, you went viral,’ I’m like, ‘What?'” she recalled. “I didn’t even think about the incident because it was something that you know was natural to me.”

It may have been a typical moment for Ciji, but for thousands online it’s been a wonderful reminder of the good in the world.

“That was something that the world needed at that moment,” she said. “To show that it’s still some good people out here in this world and everybody deserves love and compassion and understanding.”

Watch Ciji happily help one of her passengers in the video below, and don’t forget to share.

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