Everybody In The Pool! Raccoons Invade Someone’s Backyard For A Leisurely Swim.

A group of raccoons recently threw themselves a pool party in Huntington Beach! Although the critters weren’t exactly invited, the pool’s owner, California resident Jimmy Sena, couldn’t resist getting them on camera. He told KTLA 5 that, at first, the raccoons were just hanging out in his backyard at 5:45 a.m. His dog, Hank, wasn’t thrilled.

“I tried to calm Hank down and went back to bed, and then he went even crazier!” Jimmy recalled. “I looked out back again and saw three raccoons all standing by the edge of the pool, and they were either playing or fighting.”

However, after one raccoon fell into the water by accident, the other two decided that they might as well take a dip, too! Jimmy reported that the “pool party” lasted around 20 minutes before wrapping up.

Watch these raccoons take a leisurely swim in the video below!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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