Family Visits Quaint Candlelit Colonial Tavern That George Washington Himself Visited!

Image shows the outside of Gadsby's Tavern visited by George Washington that is still open in Alexandria, Virginia.

Gadsby’s Tavern in Alexandria, Virginia, has existed since the United States’ founding. The quaint tavern still serves by candlelight and honors the period with costumed staff. One of their bragging points for the tavern is that George Washington dined there during Colonial times. It is a perfect way to spend an evening when your family is on vacation or just touring the town.

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While many consider candlelit dining only for special occasions and date nights, it can also be a great family dinner experience. A poster on TikTok shared the evening with us as her family dined in the same tavern as George Washington. When you walk into the tavern, you first notice the colonial furnishings. It is like stepping back in time. Candlelit chandeliers sway overhead, providing elegant but faint light in the dim interior.

Left image shows the sign in front of Gadsby's Tavern, where George Washington dined. Right image shows the tavern's interior, dimly lit with candlelight.
Image from TikTok.

With the mood set, you note that employees dress in period clothing. This effect transports customers back to a simpler time. Food is served on old-style china plates, and water and drinks are brought out in crystal stemware. The food looks fabulous. The steak was perfectly cooked, with beautiful grill marks criss-crossed with a perfect sear.

Left image shows a tavern employee in period clothing speaking with a customer. Right image shows a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and green beans.
Image from TikTok.

While waiting, customers can read the Alexandria Gazette and Observer, a newspaper from Colonial times. The ambiance in the small tavern transports visitors to the Colonial era, and the decor adds layers to the mystique. You can almost sense George Washington sitting across the tavern, enjoying a hearty meal.

Alexandria, Virginia, is just south of Washington, D.C., and has a rich history. If you plan a trip to the nation’s capital, include Alexandria in your itinerary and schedule a trip to Gadsby’s Tavern, where George Washington once ate.

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