Golden Doodle Adorably “Petrified” When Meeting Newborn Brother

Golden Doodle meets newborn brother

When this Golden Doodle was introduced to his newborn brother, he was a bit terrified of him. Mom and Dad couldn’t tell if this poor pup was pleasantly confused or petrified of the new addition. Regardless, they shared the dog’s hilarious reaction to their TikTok channel.

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Golden Doodle Welcomes Newborn…Sort Of

These happy new parents brought their baby boy home to meet their first child, their dog. However, the Golden Doodle had a surprising reaction to the newborn; he was petrified of him. The video starts with the dog sniffing the baby with vigor. Mom asks, “Is that your baby brother? Is that who you’ve been looking for?”

The dog turns and looks at her, seemingly exasperated, like he cannot believe that his newborn brother is finally here. The intense sniffing continues. Dad claims, “You see, now he knows it’s him.” Suddenly, the Golden Doodle barks at the newborn. “Ohh, don’t bark at him,” the baby’s mother warns.

Excited Or Terrified?

Dad notices the confusion first. He states, “Let me help; I think he is nervous.” The couple tries to determine why their Golden Doodle seems scared of their newborn. The dad suggests that maybe he doesn’t understand it’s a baby. Perhaps he just saw the car seat.

Dad to the rescue as he lifts the Golden Doodle up for a better view of the newborn. The dog gives a couple more timid sniffs but he still seems slightly petrified of his new brother. The internet had some answers for the couple.

One user wrote, “He was making himself smaller to not scare the baby.”

Another jokingly added, “He said, ‘How the hell did you get on this side of the belly, brother?'”

A third confirmed to the couple, “Dogs know that’s precious cargo.”

This mom and dad are about to have their hands full with these two adorable brothers—wait until that baby can walk!

The source of the featured image is here.

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