Golden Retriever Absolutely Enthralled By Owner Shuffling A Deck Of Cards

Left image shows a dog watching its owner shuffle a deck of cards. Right image shows the dog getting excited as the deck is shuffled.

Playing cards is a favorite pastime in many households. Whether you are single, playing solitaire, meeting friends, playing gin rummy, or playing poker, cards are enjoyable. Sometimes, when your golden retriever is your only companion, they can participate in group card games… like shuffling.

When this golden retriever sees the deck of cards, his attention is riveted on his owner’s hands. She carefully splits the deck, lowering both halves to the floor. The good boi can’t control his excitement, anticipating what will happen. Every ounce of his being is focused on her hands and the deck of cards.

Left image shows a golden retriever watching his owner as she prepares to shuffle a deck of playing cards. Right image shows the dog intently watching as the two piles of cards begin alternately flipping together.
Images from TikTok.

The golden retriever’s excitement builds as the cards alternately topple onto one another. He can’t sit still and begins bouncing. His eyes remain glued on the deck as the cards blend from two piles into one.

A dog bounces for joy as his owner shuffles a deck of cards.
Image from TikTok.

As she continues shuffling the cards, the dog attempts to grab the deck from her hands. He seems intent on wanting to play this game with his human!

After shuffling cards, this woman's dog tries to grab the deck.
Image from TikTok.

As the shuffling ends, his mom picks up the cards to finish compressing them. The golden retriever cannot control his excitement. He bounces and jumps, trying to grab the deck from his mom’s hands. She laughs at his antics and is intent on playing keep-away.

If you can’t get enough of this happy pup, his mom has an active TikTok channel, Garlic Head Recipes, with more videos. Her bio tagline says, “Helping you find easy plant-powered recipes focused on FUN.” She shares plenty of recipes, including some for homemade dog treats. Slide over and give her a follow. I think I’ll try this yummy-looking garlic bread!

If you enjoyed this happy pup and his mom, please share.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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