Hilariously Cheesy Puns To Fuel Your Work Week

Image shows an alpaca in the left frame and a tree frog in the right frame.

5. Why was six nervous?

Because seven eight nine.

Image Showing the numbers 6,7,8, and 9 to illustrate the cheesy dad joke, with a nervous "6" because "7-8-9."
Image by Freepik (Cropped)

We had to include this classic one. You’ve all heard it. You’ve all groaned over it. We’re rating it one groan and a giggle. It’s so bad, it’s good. Is any list of cheesy puns complete without this one?

6. I had a really good pizza joke, but it’s too cheesy.

To illustrate a truly cheesy pun, a single slice of pizza with cheese.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

Could we have left this one out? Probably, but we think it pans out in the end. We rate this at four groans.

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