Hilariously Cheesy Puns To Fuel Your Work Week

Image shows an alpaca in the left frame and a tree frog in the right frame.

7. Why are frogs always so happy?

They eat whatever bugs them.

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A happy little tree frog who is probably not laughing at our cheesy puns.
Image from Pexels.

Where is our drum roll? We are rating this one five groans. Who doesn’t love frogs?

8. At what point does a joke become a “dad joke?”

When it becomes apparent.

Because all funny puns need a drumroll, image shows a snare drum on its side with a worn drum head.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

Because we had to, that’s why. Good dad jokes are always cheesy with funny puns and deserve the proverbial drum roll. Although we are only rating this one at three groans.

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