Hilariously Cheesy Puns To Fuel Your Work Week

Image shows an alpaca in the left frame and a tree frog in the right frame.

9. I once asked an alpaca for a favor.

It was no probllama.

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Image shows a white alpaca with a small blue harness.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

I guess that’s better than a drama llama. Only two groans for this one. We think it’s a bit long in the neck.

10. My boss told me to have a good day the other day…

… so I went home.

Clipart image shows an hourglass with blue sand.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

And on that note, with five groans and a giggle, we are bowing out with that last cheesy pun.

We hope you enjoyed our choice of cheesy, funny puns. If you have a smile on your face, our work here is done. If you need more, you’ll find them here. Have a wonderful day, and always remember the sound of that drumroll before you deliver the punch line! Share this if you have a friend who needs some punny fun.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here and here.

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