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How Reba Gave A “Lost” Asher HaVon Newfound Understanding Of His Purpose In Life

A two-photo collage. The first shows Asher HaVon looking serious as he holds a mic in his hands. The second image shows Reba McEntire singing into a mic.

It takes quite a bit of confidence to audition for a massively popular show like The Voice. Even still, Asher HaVon was feeling quite unsure about his place on the show. This was even true during his audition with Set Fire to the Rain by Adele. This was the case, in part, because of a very surprising reason. Even though Asher is an amazing singer, he hadn’t sung in two years at that point. Between this, and Asher still getting used to living openly as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, he found himself in a tough spot.

“Going into the show, I was broken. I was so broke, and I was lost,” Asher says. “I was confused about what I was supposed to do, not understanding my destiny, even though for such a long time, I’ve been told, ‘You’re such a great singer.’ But when it doesn’t happen, you think, ‘Maybe I’m not. Maybe I should do something else.'”

Thankfully, Asher pushed past the voice in his head that told him he wasn’t enough. As you can imagine, he’s very grateful for that. This is true not only because Asher HaVon won The Voice but because of the bond he’s developed with his coach, Reba McEntire.

Asher HaVon Felt Unsure About His Future As a Singer… Until Reba McEntire Became His Coach on The Voice

“The validation that came when Reba turned her chair solidified my purpose and what I felt I was supposed to be doing — and that is singing,” Asher shares.

It goes to show what can happen when we takes chances outside of our comfort zones! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Asher now that he’s found his path in life!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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