Lots of people have a hard time adjusting to new circumstances and surroundings, especially as they get older. But that’s not just limited to humans.
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Sharla Wilson and her pug, Charleston Chew, recently moved into a new apartment building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She adopted her little buddy when he was just a puppy, and they’ve developed such a strong bond over the last 11 years that he wants to know where she is at all times.

But his eyesight’s gotten worse in the last year, and when he can’t find her, he knows exactly what to do to get her attention: let loose a horrific-sounding howl, one Sharla likens to something you’d hear coming from “some sort of alien life form.”
Sharla’s used to it by now, but she didn’t think her new neighbors would take too kindly to her beloved pug’s little quirk. So instead of waiting for the complaints to start rolling in, she took a proactive approach and posted this note on her door:

My name is Charleston Chew and I’m very sorry for my howling. I’m an old man now, with cataracts, and sometimes I get real scared because I can’t see where I am and can’t find my mom. As I get used to my new place, I will start to settle down. Thanks for being patient with me. I don’t mean to be such a pain.

But here’s where the story gets really good. A woman who recently moved into the building herself, 23-year-old Megan Jones (pictured above with her cat), accidentally took the elevator to the wrong floor recently and happened to see the sign. And she just couldn’t help it, she had to get a picture because it’s too cute not to share.

Let’s just say word’s spreading quickly about Charleston Chew, not only among her neighbors, but thousands of complete strangers whose hearts were stolen by this sweet story. Megan’s tweet has generated all sorts of responses, from people who are praising Sharla’s ingenuity:

And another who can sympathize with her plight, even though her loudmouth was an entirely different species:

And, of course, the ones who seized the opportunity to share pics of their own pugs:

According to Megan’s Twitter feed, Sharla didn’t even have a Twitter account so had no idea her pup had achieved Internet stardom until just recently. Now that she’s on Twitter, she’s posted several adorable pics of her cute old man.

His distressed side isn’t on display in any of them, but let’s hope she posts a clip of him howling soon, because we can’t wait to hear what this alien-like howl actually sounds like.
As any pet parent knows, Charleston has been the source of comfort during some rough times in Sharla’s life and she’ll do whatever she can to repay his loyalty during his twilight years.
He’s been my friend. He’s been everything. It’s heartbreaking to see him struggle, but I’m doing my best to accommodate him. It’s absolutely worth it. He’s been one of the greatest joys of my life.
Nice touch, Sharla, and we’re sure you and Charleston Chew will be making lots of new friends. Be sure to share this sweet story to spread smiles!
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