Hysterical Video Shows Woman Completely Missing Justin Timberlake Trying To Talk To Her Because She’s Distracted By Phone

There is something so exhilarating about seeing your favorite performers live in concert. You know every word to their songs, move to their dances, and probably have their birthday, hometown, and maybe their shoe size memorized. It’s a lot keeping up with celebs, but when you can see them in person, you run.

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Concert tickets are not cheap. Many people save up for a long time to afford premium seats. You may even catch a star’s glance if you are lucky enough to attend a show and have a floor ticket. Or, maybe you’ll blow the whole opportunity looking down at your phone.

Justin Timberlake Waved “Bye, Bye, Bye” To A Fan Glued To Their Phone In Montreal

A viral video shows a group of women at Justin’s show in Montreal getting up close and personal with the singer. They are near the stage and taking pics and videos as Justin approaches. One woman is intently looking at her phone and doesn’t realize that Justin Timberlake is literally in her face. When she finally looks up and catches his glance, Justin walks away. She puts her head on the stage in utter disbelief while the women around her laugh like, “Girl, cry me a river.”

Millions of people viewed the TikTok and couldn’t believe what they saw.

This person joked, “Please, why did it take her 4 business days to realize?!”

Plenty agreed. Like this TikToker, “I don’t understand how people don’t realize that someone is approaching them. Are you not aware of your surroundings??”

The fact that she was in the front and not paying attention boggled many minds. “That is crazy… to pay to be right up front and not even experience it.”

We may never know if Justin made his way back to that part of the stage or if she threw her phone in the trash on her way out, but we have to believe this is one night she’ll never forget.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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