“If Brands Were Brutally Honest,” Hilarious Takes On Brand Slogans

A comment thread from Reddit about a brand.

9. These names are more accurate, but they’re unfortunately not as catchy.

A comment thread from Reddit about a brand.
Screengrab from Reddit

Other options include, “It could never be mistaken for butter,” or, “Never for a single second did I ever think it could possibly be butter.”

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10. A brutally honest brand slogan that just points out the passage of time.

A joke about Yellow Pages written on Reddit.
Screengrab from Reddit

There was an age when phonebooks were incredibly useful! Now, however, we basically have access to all those numbers and more on our actual phones.

We hope these brutally honest brand slogans made you chuckle. For more laughs, check out these hilarious memes!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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