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In The 1940s The Dymaxion House Was The “House Of The Future…” Look Inside!

Left - external view of Dymaxion House. Right - living room inside the structure.

9. Buckminster Fuller Lived In A Geodesic Dome Home

Geodesic dome the served as the residence for Buckminster Fuller and his wife Anne.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.

Although he didn’t invent the geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller held the American patents for the design. While the Dymaxion House pre-dated his work with geodesic domes, it is the domes that made Fuller famous. He is most known for his collaboration on several dome projects around the world. He and his wife, Anne, resided in a geodesic dome (pictured above).

10. The Dymaxion Car Was A Flop

Dymaxion Car prototype models.
Images from YouTube.

Buckminster Fuller tried his hand at building the car of the future in 1933. The vehicle was ultimately supposed to drive, fly, and float. The first three prototypes concentrated on land-based applications only. The three-wheeled vehicle was difficult to handle, and Fuller knew he could not release it without significant improvement. During a demonstration, the first prototype experienced a rollover accident. He was able to complete the other two prototypes using family money, but the vehicle never launched as a commercial venture.

We hope you have enjoyed exploring the wonders of the Dymaxion House and other creations of architect Buckminster Fuller. His ideas were truly ahead of the times. At a different time, his ideas may have gained more traction. If you are ever in the metro Detroit area, stop by the Henry Ford Museum and take a walk-through tour of the House of the Future.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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