In True Lab Fashion, Dog Has “Great Time” While Being Rescued By Firefighters

A Labrador retriever who had to be rescued from a difficult situation.

Firefighters experienced a first when they had to rescue a dog trapped inside of a steel beam. Even more surprising than the predicament, though, was the dog’s response. Instead of being scared or upset, this Labrador was in a great mood after his rescue! According to his owner, he was having a “great time.”

It all started when pet parent Maureen Ward put her two Labrador retrievers outside. Unfortunately, the pooches decided to venture out a little further than their own yard. This wasn’t too unusual for the dogs; according to their owner, one of them loves chasing bunnies. However, this time, that Lab ended up needing to be rescued from a pretty sticky situation!

A Labrador retriever who had to be rescued from a difficult situation.
Screengrab from YouTube

Maureen uses a tracking device to keep an eye on her mischievous pups. When she saw that one of her dogs, Tanker, had stopped moving, she was sure he had lost his collar. However, when the device led her to the Nickel Brothers yard in Nanaimo, she realized the poor pooch was stuck inside a steel beam!

“I could hear him barking but I couldn’t tell where he was,” the pet owner told CHEK News. “I was over at the bins over there and then realized that he was in here and there was no way to get him to go forward or go back.”

Firefighters had to cut open the steel beam in order to rescue the dog!

Firefighters rescuing a dog from inside a steel beam.
Screengrab from YouTube

It wasn’t long before Maureen realized she’d need to call the local firefighters in to rescue her dog. When even they couldn’t get Tanker out of the steel beam, Tyler Yarocki from the Cranberry Volunteer Fire Department got an idea.

“Being a welder, I started cutting it apart and we got an access hole, pulled him out by the legs and it was happy for everyone,” Tyler said.

A firefighter cutting into a piece of equipment.
Screengrab from YouTube

Apparently, the piece of equipment that Tanker had gotten himself stuck inside was custom made. However, Nickel Brothers was willing to allow the firefighters to rescue the dog by cutting into the expensive beam.

Of course, Tanker was blissfully unaware of the trouble his adventure had caused. After being rescued, the Labrador was in excellent spirits.

A happy black Lab with his owner after being rescued.
Screengrab from YouTube

“He’s climbing all over the place thinking he had a great time,” said Maureen.

Tanker energetically jumped up and started licking everyone once he was free. It’s safe to say that the firefighters received a warm “thank you” from the dog they rescued. However, the pooch probably hasn’t learned his lesson. It’s always scary to lose a pet, so it’s a good think Maureen still has that tracking device!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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