The simplest way to boost mental wellness in your workplace.

Inspired @ Work, powered by InspireMore™, helps teams feel happier and more resilient through the proven power of positive media based on data from over 300M users.

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Now, more than ever, a mentally healthy workplace matters

Poor mental health is on the rise around the world, and it’s affecting organizations of all sizes in significant ways:

12 billion

working days are lost each year to depression and anxiety alone

$2.5 trillion

est. cost to the world economy from poor mental health each year


people say their workplace well-being declined since the start of COVID-19


est. cost per employee per year from mental health related issues

Happier employees = healthier business

When your team’s mental health and wellness improves, so does your overall organizational health. Proactive investments in mental health programs can lead to:

Increased Productivity

Cost Savings

Higher retention rates

Increased employee engagement

Stronger talent attraction

More effective risk management


ROI for dollars spent on improving mental health and wellness.

*Deloitte UK Study “Mental Health and Employers,” 2022

Build a happier, more resilient organization

Inspired @ Work uses the proven power of positive media to help your team combat today’s increasing levels of mental distress, resulting in a happier, more resilient organization.


Expertly curated media curriculum designed to boost mental wellness

Leveraging data from over 300 million InspireMore users and 6,000+ tested articles & videos, we deliver a thoughtfully curated digest of positive content designed to:

  • Improve mental wellness
  • Combat depression and anxiety
  • Increase positivity, resilience, empathy
  • Increase social connectedness
  • Build community in your workplace

The proven power of inspiring stories & positive media

Media is one of the most effective ways to consistently and powerfully improve mental health and experience positive emotions, combating anxiety and releasing chemicals scientifically proven to boost mood and morale.

  • Emotion based change is lasting & significant (Harvard research)
  • Consuming positive media decreases levels of stress & anxiety (Psychology PHD research)
  • Watching positive videos can increase happiness expressions by 4X (Washington Post)

The proof is undeniable


of subscribers are happier and more optimistic after engaging with our content
*Based on a survey data from 1,000+ active InspireMore consumer subscribers


of testimonials from real humans showing significant improvement in mental wellness, anxiety, depression
  • InspireMore as featured on

How Inspired @ Work boosts mental wellness

We create and curate the perfect mix of positive stories.

Our team and network spends hours every day finding and creating positive content designed to inspire, inform, and impact. It’s always 100% brand safe, meaning there will never be anything political, religious, or controversial. You’ll get a mix of:

  • Trending good news stories
  • Positive content curriculum designed to boost mood and combat loneliness, anxiety, and depression
  • Mental wellness tips from our Partner Network of mental health & wellness coaches & experts
  • Bite-sized enjoyable inspiration section (quotes, trivia, riddles, pictures)

We deliver it in 3 easy to consume formats your team will actually use and enjoy.

We understand that your employee’s time is precious. That’s why we have intentionally chosen to make using Inspired @ Work incredibly simple and easy, yet meaningful.

  • 3x a week newsletter — 61.5% avg. open rates, 3X industry benchmarks
  • Exclusive Content Hub — featuring premium content & a filterable library of 6,000+ articles
  • Short & sweet webinars — 25 minutes or less with leading wellness experts

Our solution is 100% complementary to others.

Inspired @ Work is intended to act as a proactive, and preventative solution to boosting your employee mental health and wellness. It’s the perfect complement to your overall mental wellness strategy.

Subscription Includes:

Premium Newsletter

Your team will receive our thoughtfully curated positive content newsletter 3 times a week.

6,000+ Positive Stories

Your team members will receive access to exclusive content and a feed from our library of 6,000+ positive articles.

Short & Sweet Webinars

We’ll bring in our wellness & professional experts to give 30 minute webinars on topics that inform and inspire.

Wellness Experts

Receive tips and insights from some of the leading mental wellness experts and coaches from around the globe.

Proven Curriculum

All content is tested across our audience of millions to ensure our curriculum of content boosts mental wellness.

Brand Awareness

COMING SOON: As an added bonus, your company name will be promoted to our audience of millions as a Positive News Partner.

Ready to take the next step?

We make it easy. Schedule a free, 15-minute demo with our specialists to get your questions answered and find out how Inspired @ Work can boost wellness for your team.

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Why partner with Inspired @ Work?

When it comes to employee wellness, you have lots of options. Here are just a few reasons that set us apart from the rest:


No complicated set up or integration required. All we need is your team’s email addresses.


No apps to download, or labor intensive modules. Just fun, positive content you can consume in 3-5 minutes!


Compared to others, our content is fun and engaging and will boost your mood. That means adorable puppy videos and more!


The studies prove it, positive media boosts mental wellness.


We’re humans, and we know it makes a difference to work with people who care (and are fun!).


A portion of all sales goes directly to our Partner Cause of the Year.


Leaders in positive media since 2014.

Our mission at InspireMore™ has always been to inspire humanity
to live for more through positive media and stories. We’re humbled to have reached over 500 million people around the globe and would be honored to serve your organization.