“It Didn’t Want To Leave My Side.” Hawk “Thanks” Pest Control For Saving Its Life.

a man named steven gonzales taking a selfie with the hawk he saved from a pool standing on his arm

Steven Gonzales’ job title is “pest control technician,” but he never hesitates to go above and beyond his job description.

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That’s exactly what he did during a recent routine pest control service in Arizona. As Steven and a trainee were making their way through the customer’s backyard, they noticed that a large bird was splashing around in the pool.

“I see this hawk, and it’s just gripping, like, something in a pool, like a drain or something,” Steven said. “It’s just, like, holding itself up, so I was, like, ‘OK, what am I going to do?'”

With not much time to think, he dropped what he was doing to rescue the giant bird. Rather than being afraid or angry that a human was coming so close to her, she actually welcomed Steven’s help with open wings.

“It lets me grab it by the legs,” he explained. “I end up lifting it on my shoulder, and it kind of flaps its wings a little bit and just rests there.”

Meanwhile, the trainee stood nearby and caught this incredible rescue on camera, capturing a moment that neither of them will ever forget.

Soon after Steven was able to free the hawk, she remained calm as she sat on the ground, allowing her soaking wings to dry. But first, she simply wanted some company after going through such a terrifying ordeal.

“It just chilled there with me,” Steven said. “It didn’t want to leave my side. It just stayed right next to me.”

Because Steven is such a fan of animals, he knew that the best help this poor hawk could get would come from Cave Creek. This local non-profit rescues birds and was more than happy to look after her until she’s ready to be released.

Until that happens, though, the non-profit is sending Steven daily updates. They also let him name the majestic creature!

“I named her Lucena after my daughter,” he said.

This wasn’t Steven’s first bird rescue (he previously helped an owl), and it certainly won’t be his last. After working more closely with Cave Creek, he’s now signed up as a volunteer to help with future rescues.

“I’ve always been fascinated with birds of prey and stuff and animals,” Steven said, “and I like to volunteer and do things and help not only people and pest control, but animals as well.”

Watch the video of this heroic moment below and don’t forget to share with a friend.

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