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“It’d Have To Be A Hemsworth” Chris Hemsworth Gives Chuckle-Worthy Response To Celeb Petitioning Him For Biopic

Chris Hemsworth smiling during an interview.

When Chris Hemsworth heard that Robert Irwin would choose the actor to portray him in a biopic, he was understandably flattered. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to play the son of the legendary Steve Irwin? Access Hollywood shared the best clip of Hemsworth’s reaction to an interview with the young conservationist. Honestly, we can’t tell which of the two celebrities received the bigger compliment!

In the video, an interviewer posed an age-old question to Robert Irwin.

“Who would you want to play you in a movie?” they asked.

It didn’t take long for the wildlife expert to come up with an answer.

“It’d have to be a Hemsworth, wouldn’t it?” he said, adding, “The Hemsworths are an incredible group of people. And if they played me in a film, I think that would be the most flattering thing that could ever happen to a human being, let’s be honest.”


tbh “A Hemsworth” is the answer to most problems in life. #chrishemsworth #robertirwin

♬ original sound – Access Hollywood

After listening to Robert Irwin praise him and his family like that, fellow Aussie Chris Hemsworth was more than thrilled.

“I would be honored,” he said.

However, there was still a difficult casting decision to make for this theoretical biopic. Robert Irwin hadn’t specified which of the famous brothers should get the role, so interviewers asked Chris Hemsworth to make the tough call. Who would be the best fit for the movie: Chris, Liam, or Luke?

Although this wasn’t an easy question, the middle Hemsworth brother came up with the most diplomatic answer. Obviously, the best actor for the job would be the one that Irwin himself chose!

“Whoever he says,” Hemsworth joked.

Chris Hemsworth smiling during an interview.
Screengrab from TikTok

Of course, commenters pointed out a slight flaw in the idea of Chris Hemsworth playing Robert Irwin in a film. The actor is a bit older than the celebrity conservationist — about 20 years older! So, several users suggested that he play the late Steve Irwin instead. Which, honestly, would be just as high of an honor!

“Ok but Chris could definitely play STEVE in a movie and then Liam play Robert!” one person wrote. “Get on it!”

“Chris plays Steve… just saying,” added another.

Is anyone else super excited to watch this hypothetical movie?

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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