Jane Goodall Reveals That Chimps Are Not Her Favorite Animal… And Which Animal Is!

Jane Goodall and Stephen Colbert taking a sip of bourbon before an interniew.

At 90 years old, Dr. Jane Goodall has been around longer than most of us have been alive. She became famous early in life, documenting troops of chimpanzees in the wild. Her career includes a lifetime of working with primates to help humans better understand these animals. During a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, she answered a rumor that chimps are NOT her favorite animal.

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After admitting that the rumor was true, Jane Goodall explained why in her pert and perky style: “They’re much too like humans.” She continued by adding that she likes some and dislikes others, which can also be said of humans. Stephen’s next question can quickly: “What is your favorite animal?”

Without hesitation, Jane Goodall answered, with emphasis, “Dogs.” She explained her reasoning is that dogs offer unconditional love. So there you have it. Everyone appreciates being loved, and there is no greater gift than unconditional love.

Jane Goodall Is Still As Sharp As A Tack

The interview continued, with Stephen asking her about her first trip to Tanzania 64 years ago. Jane Goodall related a story about ten-year-old Jane buying the book, “Tarzan of the Apes.” Although she knew Tarzan was fictional, she fell in love with the idea. She even joked that “Tarzan married the wrong Jane!” Her dream of “living among the apes” began then. At 26, she made her first trip to the jungle.

Image shows Dr.. Jane Goodall during an interview with Stephen Colbert.
Image from YouTube.

Jane’s observations of chimps during her years of living with their troops tell us how much like humans they truly are. Not only do we share 98.7 percent of our DNA with chimps, but “They kiss, embrace, hold hands, pat one another … they live in a male-dominated society …” She compared two male chimps fighting to assert dominance to our current crop of political adversaries, including the swagger, chest-puffing, furious face, and fist-pounding.

The entire interview is available on YouTube (we’ve also added it below). Jane Goodall displays her sense of humor, sharp wit, and fantastic personality throughout the interview. She is candid, frank, and upbeat. As they share a drink (bourbon at her request), Jane and Stephen chat like two old friends who are very comfortable with one another.

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