Overweight Woman Ditches 2 Common Habits And Loses Over 170 Lbs.

A year and a half ago, Jessica Beniquez ate fast food every day and regularly would spend hours binging her favorite shows on Netflix. “All I did was eat, go to work, and watch my shows,”she said. At 19 years old, Jessica weighed over 320 pounds.

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In early 2016, Jessica decided it was finally time for a change.


The first thing she dropped was fast food, swapping it for healthier alternatives. The next change was exercising. She dumped her old friend Netflix and started walking and doing workouts she found on YouTube, working her way up to the gym, a place that terrified Jessica at first.

Now, the gym is Jessica’s “happy place,”where she works out for two hours every day.


Since she first began her fitness journey, Jessica has completely transformed.


She documents the experience on Instagram, inspiring others.


“My name is Jessica and I’m 21,”she wrote in a recent Instagram caption. “I’m 5’4 and I have lost over 170 lbs with diet and exercise. Starting at over 320 lbs and currently between 145-148. There were and still are obstacles that get in the way, but that’s just the way it is and I have to deal with it. Did I let me give up? NEVER.â€


“I have dedicated my life to fitness and I have learned to love it when before I started this journey, I would dread just walking to the bus stop that was not even a 5 min walk.â€


And the changes haven’t just been physical. “I never expected to be where I am today. I was shy, but now I have so much more confidence, I have so much more energy… It’s crazy the things I can do now that I couldn’t do before.â€


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