Jurassic Bark: Dog Goes Nuts Watching Velociraptors On TV

Left image shows the eye of a velociprator raptor peeking through a kitchen door window. Right image shows a dog barking a warning to the children in Jurassic Park about the velociraptor behind them in the kitchen scene.

We’ve all yelled at the TV during a suspenseful or scary movie, telling the characters to run or hide. As the music cues the entrance of a threat, the rising anticipation becomes too much. We cannot stay silent. RUN! HIDE! He’s right behind you! While it’s funny when humans do it, it is even more amusing when border collie Barney does it. Barney is a TV fan but can’t keep quiet when the dog watches Jurassic Park.

The children are in the kitchen, the velociraptors are on the prowl, looking for their next meal, and the adults are missing in action. Barney senses that the children are in danger. He begins barking warnings to them (as if they can hear). RUN! HIDE! Barney gets visibly agitated as he watches the suspenseful scene. He can’t understand why the children aren’t listening to his warnings.

Barney is not an ordinary border collie. While energetic and displaying all the typical herding tendencies, he is also addicted to TV. He has his favorite shows and toys he carries while watching. There is a big wolf toy for his favorite scene in Twilight. He chomps on a dinosaur while watching dragons flying. Some of his favorite viewing are David Attenborough’s animal documentaries. He has favorite stuffies for every movie!

Images show a dog watching Jurassic Park and trying to warn the children that the Velociraptor is behind them in the kitchen.
Image from Instagram.

While the dog enjoys them all, he doesn’t get enthusiastic about his warning like watching Jurassic Park. As he clutches his dinosaur stuffy, he is serious about trying to help those kids escape the drooling jaws of those velociraptors! It’s OK, Barney. They grew up and are 40-plus-year-old adults.

Follow this cute, TV-addicted border collie on Instagram to see more of him. It is fascinating and enjoyable to watch him enjoy movies.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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