Marathon Runner Gets Fat-Shaming Email And Shares Powerful Message Of Self-Love.

The internet makes it all too easy for some people to sit behind a keyboard and spew all the meanest feelings in their hearts. Unfortunately, trolls and bullies are everywhere, but knowing how to perfectly respond can mean the difference between taking their vitriol to heart and rising above it to inspire others.

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Kelly Roberts, is a New York City-based marathon runner, who chronicles her fitness journey on social media. On her popular Instagram page, Kelly posts photos of herself running, jumping, eating, and basically living her best life each and every day!


Kelly’s dedication to running comes from a deep place.

After the tragic death of her 16-year-old brother, Kelly – in her grief – gained 75 pounds. Three months after his passing, she started running in order to get her life back on track.


As her online persona grew more visible in the public eye, Kelly launched the #SportsBraSquad hashtag to encourage body positivity. Running only in her sports bra, Kelly feels strong and proud of her body and wants all of her fans to feel the same way about theirs.


Most people are incredibly supportive and inspired by how fearless and confident the runner is, but of course, there are always those people just don’t have anything nice to say. Worse yet, there are some people who are filled with such ugliness they feel the need to bring others down to their level.

Kelly received an email message from one such internet bully, which she shared on her Instagram page:


Undeterred by this person’s blatant rudeness and hateful words, Kelly drafted the perfect response:

Dear man who found it appropriate to send me this email,

Once upon a time, your words would have cut me like valyrian steel. Today? They remind me how important it is to change the way we see strength. Because what you call fat, I know can run a marathon in 3 hours in 41 minutes. I hope one day you can obtain the strength I’ve worked tirelessly for. Until then, know that I will spend the rest of my life empowering the women you hope to shame.

You will lose. You already are. The #SportsBraSquad is strong as hell.

See you at the finish line. I’ll be the one giving you a high five when you get there.


Kelly’s many fans applauded her for shutting the hater down, sending her messages of love and support:

“As a bereaved sibling myself, I am utterly appalled at this man’s message. There are too many people out there who have no idea what it’s really like & have no compassion or sympathy whatsoever. That man is a bully, plain & simple. You are so inspiring!” – lmnalbantov

“Your achievements in not only running but empowering women makes you an absolute boss and legend. Thanks so much for what you do.”  – erinelltay


Kelly’s motivating words and actions prove that you should never let anyone dim your shine! Thank you, Kelly!

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