Kid Starts Playing Tee Ball, Forgets Which Sport He’s Playing… And It Ends Hilariously.

Three frames showing a tee ball hitter, the hit, and the players fielding the ball.

Playing tee ball is usually a child’s first sporting adventure. The kids aren’t really good at the rules or fundamentals of the game. From the stands, parents cheer on their little ones, urging them to run, catch, or throw the ball. If you’ve ever watched a tee ball game, it looks kind of like a semi-organized game of King of the Hill. This game in particular went a bit off the rails… from tee ball to tackle football!

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Tee Ball batter getting ready to hit the ball while the coach stands behind him.
Image from TikTok.

Since the kiddos are still a bit young to fully understand, coaches position their players on the field in the approximate areas they should be standing. The hitter gets up and swings at the ball resting on a stationary tee. If the batter connects with the ball, every player in the field runs toward it, no matter what “position” they are playing. It becomes a fight to be the one that grabs it. If one player is successful, they MIGHT throw the ball to first base. Or they might throw the ball to center field. You never know.

After a hit in a tee ball game, every player tries to grab the ball.
Image from TikTok.

Frenzied players are pushing and shoving, trying to grab the elusive sphere to be heralded as the triumphant one. Meanwhile, the hitter stands by home plate, wondering what to do next as their parents yell. The coach is urging them to run toward first base. Sometimes they drop the bat. Other times they throw the bat, and parents in the stands duck instinctively. Rarely do they run without some prodding.

A Tee Ball hitter leaves the batter's box after a hit.

When they do run, it might be toward third base. Sometimes they cut out the middle man and head right for second base! Some are overachievers and run around ALL the bases, no matter what is happening with the ball. But wait… what is the batter doing? Is he trying to take out the pitcher? Off he goes, running full-tilt into the melee. Stop him! Nooooooo… This is tee ball, not tackle football! Oh well, it’s a good thing kids bounce.

Seriously, watch the video. It’s a hoot!


What a tackle though 😂 (via @Matt Jensen) #baseball #football #tackle #funny

♬ Football(1377946) – TimTaj

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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