Student’s Kit Kat Gets Stolen From Car, So Hershey Surprises Him With 6,500 Reasons To Be Okay With It.

Kit Kat in car

Last week, a thief broke into a Kansas State University student’s car to steal a Kit Kat bar –leaving everything else untouched– and even left an apology note explaining the candy robbery.

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The victim in question, Hunter Jobbins, took to Twitter on Halloween to share a photo of the note that the still-at-large chocolate bar burglar left him after stealing the sweet treat in Manhattan, Kansas. The admission left Twitter in an absolute uproar.

“Saw Kit-Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked,”the suspect scribbled on a napkin. “Did not take anything other than the Kit-Kat. I am sorry and hungry.â€

Jobbins was shocked when he came back to his vehicle and found the note in place of his Kit Kat. “Left my car for maybe 15 minutes in front of the dorms and I come back to this,”he tweeted. “College man.â€

Well, Kit Kat noticed. A company rep tweeted back to Jobbins via Twitter, offering to replace the Kit Kat he never got to enjoy.

On Thursday, Kit Kat filled Jobbins’ car with 6,500 Kit Kat bars.


Jobbins spent the entire day on Saturday handing out the sweet treats to his fellow classmates. In all, 4,000 people were able to enjoy the fruits of an unbelievable debacle.

Gotta love the internet!

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