“Knock, Knock…Who’s There?” Little Girl Asks Who’s Behind Barn Door & Gets Adorable Surprise

little girl horse

Knock, knock… Who’s there? A friendly “neigh”bor…

This little girl was hanging out on the farm one day and had one of those hilarious chance experiences that she—and everyone on the internet—will remember for a lifetime.

As she was making her way through some stables, she happened upon a broken door, and she heard something rustling around inside. Feeling curious, she politely knocked, and she actually got an answer!

Just after knocking, the toddler patiently waited for a reply. A few seconds later, a horse used his nose to burst through a small door with the personality of Mr. Ed.

While most of us guessed that a horse was hanging out in the stall, the way he made himself known was absolutely perfect. And the little girl agreed. After he comically greeted her, she broke out in giggles.

Fortunately, her mother caught the entire experience on video and shared it on social media. Watchers can hardly handle how adorable it is.

“Oh my godddd that laugh was infectious,” one person gushed.

“Horse was like “What do you want? We’re in an important meeting right now!” another person joked.

“The horse got attitude 😂,” a commenter laughed.

“Horse 🐎 said can I help you?” someone joked.

Remember to share this story with everyone who needs wholesome laugh today!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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