Kristen Bell Says Why Will Ferrell Is “The Nicest Man On The Planet”

Kristen Bell Will Ferrell

On-screen, Will Ferrell often plays adorably hilarious characters, and we love him for it. But as we all know, just because someone seems like a nice person doesn’t always mean they are. This can disappoint people who truly want to believe their favorite stars are just as fantastic as they imagine. In the case of Will Ferrell, however, we have good news—Kristen Bell says he’s as nice as can be.

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Kristen shared her story with Late Night With Seth Meyers on September 24. She had a friend who was an intern at Saturday Night Live, and she snuck into an after-party one night with a friend from her hometown, Bob.

“I met Will in 2001 as well, and I would like to tell you why he’s the nicest man on the planet, which I’m sure you already know,” she explained.

She said that Will would not remember this night, but she’ll never forget it. Bob wanted to meet Will, so Kristen told him she knew him and would be happy to make the introduction.

“I was like, ‘Will, this is my best friend from high school, Bob.'” 

“Will goes, ‘Bob! So nice to meet you!’ And this one…,” Kristen said while imitating Will and pointing at Seth and shaking his arm. “Oh, you!” 

She said that she was only 18 and looked like she was 12 back then. She often got strange looks on the set from people wondering what a kid was doing running around SNL.

“He did not throw me under the bus and say, ‘I have no idea who you are, child!’ He just went with it. He was the most gracious — I remember it to this day. He’s the nicest guy. He’s a really special guy.”

We knew it, and we love it. Will Ferrell is the best!

This story’s featured image is by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic.

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