Labrador Lays The Guilt Trip On Thick When Mom Tells Him She’s Going Out

Left image shows a Labrador giving kisses. Right image shows the Labrador giving his mom a sad expression to guilt trip her.

Dogs are never given enough credit for their manipulative natures. They all have a patented “I didn’t do it” look. When you’re getting ready to leave, the sad expression they wear can melt even the darkest heart. And that is why Dexter Black, aka “Shnootle,” gets to go with his mom on many of her outings. The black Labrador is a master of the guilt trip!


“Why do you take yoir dog everywhere?” … this is why… he can speak human and i feel guilty. He knows somethings up when i first name him😂 #sillydog #labrador #shnootle #dogsoftiktok #funnydog #labradorretriever

♬ original sound – Dexter Black

When Shnootle sees his mom leaving, he enters his Labrador guilt trip mode. The first thing on the agenda is love and kisses.

Image shows a Labrador showering his mom with love and kisses.
Image from TikTok.

Once mom says to quit kissing her and sit, Shnootle immediately gives her “the look.” You know the one. It almost seems to say, “Did I do something wrong, mommy? Do you still love me?” It’s the guilt trip face, and the Labrador is a seasoned professional.

Image shows a Labrador giving his mom his best guilt trip sad face because she is going out.
Image from TikTok.

When his mom explains that she has to go, Dexter seems to understand every word she says. She talks to him like he’s another human. At one point, he doesn’t want to hear it and jumps off the sofa. She calls him back up and continues. She explains that he has to go into his bed. Some of the looks he offers are captioned in the reel. You can almost hear him speaking the words as he whines softly. Dexter’s Labrador guilt trip mode fully engages as he pulls out all the stops.

Labrador showing his sad face as part of the guilt trip he's trying to throw on his mom.
Image from TikTok.

In the video caption, Dexter’s mom says, “he can speak human, and I feel guilty.” This extreme Labrador guilt trip is why she takes him almost everywhere with her. Shnootle gave an outstanding performance, and we’re unsure if she gave in on this trip.

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You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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