“Listen, Linda!” Determined 3-Yr-Old Insists On Cupcakes For Dinner In This Hilarious Video.

For a quick laugh, check out this clip of 3-year-old Matteo Beltran telling his mom what he’ll be having for dinner.

While I’m sure she’s planned a nice meal, Matteo’s not budging. Linda, his mother, needs to listen up: he’ll be having cupcakes, thank you very much!

The viral “Listen, Linda” video has taken the world by storm in the 9 years it’s been out on the web. With over 35 million views, Matteo has coined a household phrase. “Listen Linda” is even official slang published in Urban Dictionary!

We’ve all heard about the terrible twos, but clearly, some kiddos go through the threatening threes! 

What do you think: would you have just given the boy a cupcake? 

I think he was pretty convincing!

The featured image is sourced from Youtube.

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