Little Girl Hears Mom Crying & Has The Sweetest Response

A little girl in a white dress making a silly face.

When this mom started crying after a rough day, her small daughter knew exactly how to cheer her up. Brittany Christiana shared the sweetest video about “why I can’t ever cry around Lily” on social media. Judging by the girl’s reaction to her mom’s bad mood, this little kid is truly wise beyond her years! Seeing how Lily attempted to brighten her mother’s day will definitely melt your heart.

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In this precious clip, the child immediately burst into the room when she heard her mom crying. Her first response was to ask the woman what was wrong. When Brittany explained that she was having a difficult day, Lily quickly came up with a game plan to help her feel better.

First of all, she gave her mother a big hug. Then, she made sure the woman was hydrated.

“I’ll get you a popsicle and a water,” said the little girl.

Before leaving the room, though, Lily made a few silly faces to get her mom laughing instead of crying. This turned out to be pretty effective! It wasn’t long before Brittany was giggling at her daughter’s antics.

Soon, Lily returned with the water, as promised, along with a candy bar. She eagerly told her mom that, as soon as she was done with her snack, they would play together. Mom was totally blown away by the little girl’s kindness.

This child knows just how to make her mom feel better!

A little girl in a white dress making a silly face.
Screengrab from Instagram

“The sweetest most empathetic soul I’ve ever met I love her so much,” Brittany wrote in her caption. “This is how she is every day I can’t believe she’s going to kindergarten in a few weeks. I hope everyone is as nice to her as she will be to them!”

Commenters were pretty impressed by Lily’s response to seeing her mom crying. Many added that she must have picked up some of these techniques from Brittany.

“I kinda think she has learned this from her sweet mama,” wrote one user.

Another added, “She is a reflection of you mama!!”

Brittany Christiana and her adorable kids have gone viral on social media before, and it’s easy to see why. There’s clearly so much love and joy in this family!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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