Little Girl Instantly Regrets Telling Dad To “Take Off” His Beard

A little girl reaches out to touch her dad's beard.

One little girl learned the meaning of the phrase “be careful what you wish for” after advising her dad to get rid of his beard. In an adorable video on social media, the toddler was sitting in the car with her father when she told him she didn’t like his facial hair, though she doesn’t quite articulate why.

As a matter of fact, she disliked it so much, she wanted him to shave it! Dad was somewhat hesitant, but he didn’t seem entirely opposed to the idea. He was just a bit concerned that Mom wouldn’t approve – after all happy wife, happy life!

“Take it off,” the little girl demanded, gesturing to her father’s beard.

Of course, very small children notoriously lack foresight. When the toddler told her dad to remove his beard, it didn’t occur to her that he’d look so different without it! This father caught the most hilarious footage of his daughter’s reaction to the big change.

Who could have guessed that Dad would look different without his beard?

“Hey, why did you take it off?” asked the child upon seeing her dad without his usual beard seeming as if she forgotten..

“Because you told me to!” the man exclaimed.

A little girl reaches out to touch her dad's beard.
Screengrab from Instagram

Either the little girl had forgotten the request she made, or she didn’t think her father would actually go through with it. She seemed very confused by the situation! However, once the kid had a little time to get used to her dad’s new face, she eventually conceded that he looked good without the beard or she’s a pretty good liar. What a relief that must have been!

“You think I’m pretty?” her father asked, pretending to be anxious about her opinion.

She informed him that he was not only handsome, but beautiful to boot! Then, the video ended on a very sweet note. Both father and daughter said, “I love you.” It looks like any hard feelings about Dad’s beard are now forgotten and he can happy move forward with his decision!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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