Matthew McConaughey Loses It After Nailing Insane Soccer Trick Shot

Matthew McConaughey soccer

Matthew McConaughey doesn’t just have skills on the big screen, he’s got skills on the soccer field, too. Three days ago, a video surfaced online of him doing an incredible soccer trick, and the internet, and Matthew, were very excited about it. Check it out below.

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Matthew McConaughey Is A Soccer Star?

Matthew McConaughey joined Austin FC, an American professional men’s soccer club in Austin, Texas, for a day on the field. While there, the movie star was challenged to complete a difficult goal.

While some may have doubted him, Matthew McConaughey walked towards the ball with confidence. There was a small hole in the upper right-hand side of the goal, and the object was to hit the soccer ball through that small hole. As Matthew stepped up and kicked the ball, it glided through the air and sailed perfectly into that hole. He and his fellow players on the field were ecstatic.

Those who watch the video can hear Matthew McConaughey as he screams “Oohhhhhhhh” and runs around the field with excitement. His companion places his hands on his head in utter disbelief.

As Matthew runs off the field, fans can hear him say, “That’s the second time,” proving that this moment captured on video was not his only incredible feat.

Matthew McConaughey The Athlete

Although he never played soccer as a child, Matthew McConaughey was an athlete. In an interview with The Sporting News, he listed all the sports he played as a child and young adult. “He said he played football and baseball until he attended Longview High School when he took up tennis and golf.”

Fans on Instagram are loving his continued athletic spirit.

One user commented, “And he did it barefooted 🤯 bravo Matthew 👏.”

Another added, “Alright alright alright, I’m a fan again… 😂.”

A third added, “It’s his little “hehe” laugh right at the end for me ❤.”

Fans love that Matthew McConaughey is a star on the screen and on the soccer field.

The source of the featured image is here.

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